SICILY... geography of the soul and "Grand Tour", in the educational development of tourism which has always can not miss... Taormina is a stage.
Yes, as said already Johann Wolfgang Goethe in 1787 when in his perigrinare in Italy arrived in the island. "You can not understand and understand the Italian beauties without first visiting Sicily".

It was May 6th, and sitting on the steps of the Greek Theatre admired the spectacular scenery, the Bay of Naxos, the coast to Syracuse and the smoking Etna, saying that ever an audience of a theater will have before him a scene similar.
Art, history, culture, traditions, received in the past centuries by many rulers, they have made Sicily yesterday and today, and we can say that Taormina is the emblem.
Today almost nothing has changed. The angles, the smells, the atmosphere, the colors, enchant new travelers, as well as enchanted Goethe.